5 Reasons Why EPDM Is An Eco Friendly Roof Option

When choosing a roofing system for your flat roof, it can be tricky to decipher between all the different options, and which are the most eco friendly. But we here at Rubbaseal have put together a few points that will simply explain why choosing an EPDM flat roof is the most eco-friendly option.
EPDM is Greenpeace approved
Greenpeace recently produced a report titled “Building for the future.” Within this report, they appointed EPDM at the top of their rankings for low impact membranes for roofs. This has been ranked due to EPDMs sustainability and extended life span, as well as its reusability and how once retired, can be recycled safely and effectively which we cover in a bit more depth below.
Easily Recyclable
As stated above, EPDM roofing systems can be recycled. Clean EPDM sheet materials are regularly re-used for low-grade recycled rubber products. These can come in the form of mats and playgrounds. EPDM sheet waste is also recycled and used as a high calorific fuel, therefore replacing fossil fuels.
Using these products to create the EPDM roofing means it cannot be incinerated. Incinerating rubber releases harmful black smoke and hydrocarbons into the air, therefore not complying with any eco friendly options.
It is always important to check the environmental impact of any product used before installation. This will ensure that existing EPDM roofing can be recycled and fashioned into other sustainable products such as road asphalt and walkway pads. Firestone promotes the EPDM Roofing Associations roof recycling program. This means EPDM is a leading recycled commercial material.
Unlike many other materials used in roofing, EPDM is non-toxic. This is because EPDM does not contain any of the familiar toxic adhesives and bitumen that is apparent in many roofing materials, especially in flat roofs. This makes it a perfect choice to ensure you are fitting the most eco-friendly, sustainable roofing.
Non-polluting rainwater
Collecting rainwater is becoming increasingly beneficial, especially if you have flowers or a garden to take care of throughout the year. As the summers get hotter and the winters get colder with rain fall becoming increasingly unpredictable, it’s not always easy to be prepared to collect the rainwater at any given time. EPDM roofing isn’t toxic and does not pollute the rain water in any way, making it just as good for watering your greenery and the greener option in comparison to using the tap.
Efficient for solar panels
Solar panels are becoming more and more popular as people become more eco-conscious. The design of the roof is incredibly important to the success of the solar panels, especially when they need to drain any water efficiently. Solar panels often have sensitive hardware that helps control and regulate the energy production that is generally installed nearby. These solar panels need good water drainage to prevent them from flooding in major downpours and storms. Well designed and fitted EPDM roofs are perfect for this and support solar panels needs.
If you are unsure of any products or accessories you may need to install and complete a well fitted eco-friendly EPDM roof, check out our website for our large variety of tools and materials.